TypingMentor has been decorated with a bunch of exclusive features that you will not find on other websites.

There are all sorts of typing lessons for the users to learn to type as fast as possible and improve on each and every aspect of typing through numerous lesson types available in TypingMentor.
The types of lessons include the following:
Most common words
There are 1000 most common English words divided into 13 parts from most frequent to least frequent for the users to practice typing.
Most common letter n-grams
There are 3 groups of most common letter n-grams for the users to practice. That includes Bigrams, Trigrams, and 4-grams.
Keyboard drills
You can type based on areas of the keyboard which include the top row, home row, bottom row, and number row.
Finger drills
There are all finger names listed that we use in touch typing. You can choose any finger and start typing the words and characters that heavily involve the use of the selected finger name.
Alphanumeric lessons
Here you will find 3 types of lessons that include numbers and punctuation.
You can take typing test here whenever you want. There are a lot of useful features available in your typing area during the test and also after completion of the tests. The features are:
During a typing test
- Live wpm
- Live kph
- Live accuracy
- Live duration indicator progress bar
- Live word-by-word performance
- Automatic detection of inactivity and pause of the timer
After completion of a typing test, you’ll get,
- The speed and the accuracy.
- Retake of the same copy/text option.
Summary section
- Number of tests taken
- Number of minutes typed
- Recent speed (last 10 tests)
- Recent accuracy (last 10 tests)
Test History
You can load the history of your typing tests which shows the date, time, duration, speed, and accuracy of each test you have taken so far in TypingMentor.
App settings options
- Set the preferred duration of a lesson.
- Show/hide live WPM and accuracy.
- Show/hide the timer progress bar.
- Show/hide live word performance, which shows the performance on each word immediately.
Sign up / Log in
You can sign up or log in with your Google account