Tips to Boost WPM and Accuracy for 911 Dispatcher Typing Test
A dispatcher is the first person to respond to an emergency. To perform their duties effectively, they must be able to type accurately and quickly.
The dispatcher typing test is a crucial tool for the critical dispatcher exam. The dispatcher typing test, also named a keyboarding test, measures speed and accuracy. A typical test consists of sections where you type phrases and words followed by paragraphs that require you to write more complex sentences.
A typing test determines how quickly and accurately you enter the information into the computer. In this test, three to five minutes are given to the candidate to type certain information into the 911 dispatcher's computer without errors.
An accurate type within a specific time limit will give you a higher score. You can check your typing speed by using the field at the top of this page.
How fast do you need to type for the dispatcher typing test?
The required typing speed for a 911 dispatcher typing test depends on the specific job requirements. Some agencies require typing speeds of 40 to 50 words per minute.
You must reach this speed to pass your test, as typing is essential for a dispatcher's job. Maintaining accuracy with the typing speed is also essential.
If you can type 90 words per minute, there is a high chance of getting noticed by recruiters. To ensure your success on the 911 dispatcher typing test, practice beforehand.
Speed or accuracy: What is more critical in the 911 dispatcher typing test?
A question about speed and accuracy is always doubtful. Some people think typing fast is essential, while others believe accuracy is more important.
Let's clear this doubt which one is more important. When it's about dispatcher jobs, accuracy wins the race. If you can type fast with errors, you must go back to resolve the errors, which is more time-consuming.
Sometimes, these errors also lead to misinformation. To avoid such circumstances, you must focus on accuracy rather than speed. However, for a 911 dispatcher both speed and accuracy matter equally, because they have to sometimes make split-second decisions and note down helpful information at the same time.
Keep practicing. It will enhance both speed and accuracy.
Do your typing techniques affect your chances of Passing Tests?
Most people believe that typing techniques also hurt your typing speed and accuracy. Some people use the hurt and peck typing method, while others prefer touch typing.
In dispatcher typing tests, only accuracy and speed matter. Recruiters don't care about the method you are using for typing.
You can obtain more accuracy and speed by using a touch typing technique to use all ten fingers and look at the screen. Hunt and peck can slow your typing speed because you must look at the keyboard to find keys.
Those who master touch-typing can keep their eyes on the screen while using muscle memory to find the right keys without glancing at the keyboard.
Three free practice typing tests to level up your typing skills:
Here are free websites you can use to enhance your typing skills.
- Focus on both speed and accuracy
- Provide a realistic environment for effective practice
- Lifetime Tracking if you Log in
- Beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels are available
- Show words per minute and accuracy
- Improves your typing skills by teaching you proper hand position and typing techniques
- Provide typing tests, lessons, and games to improve your speed and accuracy
- It also focuses on your speed and accuracy
- You can use it in different languages
- Become proficient at typing by retyping classic novels
3 Valuable Tips For 911 Dispatcher Typing Test:
Here are some tips to help you pass your dispatcher typing test.
1- When practicing typing, use a desktop keyboard with a numeric pad instead of your laptop's keyboard. You have to use the desktop keyboard in the test, so for safety purposes, use this for practice.
If you don't have this, you can buy a cheap keyboard, connect it to your laptop, and practice to enhance your speed and accuracy.
2- Practice the alphanumeric keys as much as you can; many people ignore these keys while practicing, and it is a significant mistake they have made.
The best way to practice the alphanumeric keys is to put your right hand on Numpad and your left hand on the main keyboard.
3- Memory-building skills are crucial for 911 dispatchers typing tests since they need to recall information quickly. So, also focus on your memory-building skills.
Key Takeaways:
The 911 dispatch's typing jobs require strong typing skills to be a successful dispatcher. You can improve your words per minute and accuracy by incorporating these practice tips into your daily routine, giving yourself the best chance of succeeding in a fast-paced and critical role in emergency response.