Pre-Employment Typing Test: 4 Tips to Conquer The Job

As technology grows fast, most jobs are being replaced with computer skills. So, proficiency in typing becomes crucial as all computer skills require excellent typing skills.
Before hiring an employee for a job, the company takes a pre-employment typing test to check the individual's typing ability, speed, and accuracy.
Please don't panic about a pre-employment typing test; it's a simple test to check your knowledge about keyboard layout and other typing techniques.
Let's have a brief knowledge about a pre-employment typing test.
What is a Pre-Employment Typing Test:
A pre-employment typing test is an assessment to check whether a candidate can meet the required typing job criteria. In this test, the candidate's typing speed and accuracy are the primary factors to consider. You can practice this test in the field at the top.
The pre-employment typing test requires a specific passage to be completed within time. The test may include other tasks, such as typing from audio recordings, transcribing handwritten documents, and sometimes data entry.
Your selection is based on typing speed, words per minute, and accuracy. Sometimes, the candidate is tasked to remove errors made during the typing test.
By using these tests, hiring decisions can be made more informed, and the quality of hires can be improved.
Types Of Pre-Employment Typing Test:
The following pre-employment typing tests are used in the hiring process. Let's have a look at them.
1- Standard Typing Test:
In a standard typing test, the candidate is given a paragraph to complete within a specific timeframe. The passage should be written accurately and free from all types of errors.
The passage can be random words, a book paragraph, a story, or something else.
2- Typing Speed Test:
The purpose of typing speed tests is to check your words per minute. You have to type the maximum number of words as quickly as possible.
Avoid making mistakes while typing fast, as it affects your typing score, while error-free typing enhances your score and accuracy.
3- Error Correction Test:
In this type of pre-employment typing test, a passage with some errors is assigned to a candidate. The candidate's task is to remove all mistakes and write them correctly.
This test also involves your proofreading skills. A time limit also applies to this test.
4- Audio Skill Typing Test:
This test involves both typing and audio skills. Your ears can hear all the words clearly so that you can write them precisely.
A recorded audio is provided to you, and you have to transcribe that audio into the words using efficient typing skills.
5- Data Entry Typing Test:
In a data entry typing test, a candidate is tasked to enter data in a sheet and respond to emails. These jobs aim to evaluate the in-depth skills for data entry roles.
All data should be entered accurately and effectively into the computer system using all numeric and alphanumeric keys.
These tests usually hire employees for the following positions: clerks, copywriters, journalists, and other administrative roles.
How Can You Pass A Pre-Employment Typing Test For A Job?
Are you worried about passing a pre-employment typing job test? Here are the following tips to help you clear your test without any hurdles and get your job.
1- Practice Typing Regularly:
Have you heard the famous quote, "Practice makes a man perfect"? So, it's time to apply it in your real life.
Set a goal for yourself to practice daily without any hurdles. Be consistent; regular practice makes you a proficient typer, and you can get your desired result within a minute.
2- Learn how to use the keyboard:
Familiar yourself with the keyboard layout is the most important thing you can do. Try to memorize the keyboard.
You can do this by focusing on the computer screen rather than the keyboard. Do practice by keeping your eyes on the screen.
3- Learn how to manage time:
Try to complete the maximum paragraph in a specific timeframe. You can only achieve this by practicing more.
Words per minute enhance your progress track and score.
4- Focus on Speed And Accuracy:
Working on your typing speed and accuracy while managing your time is also essential. Type maximum Words per minute and avoid making mistakes.
The pre-employment typing test helps recruiters to test the candidate's typing skills. Before taking any test, practice hard to familiarize yourself with the keyboard. You can use online typing software like to practice more than a dozen typing tests/lessons. Avoid looking at the keyboard, and use all fingers as it can increase your pace.