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The 10-Minute Typing Test: How It Helped Me Achieving 99 Wpm

a stopwatch counting 10 minutes as a timer for this touch typing test

Being able to type quickly and accurately is crucial in this fast-paced world. As a professional content writer with more than half a decade of experience, I can attest to the fact that a 10-minute typing test helped me a lot. Today, I'll try explaining what this short exercise is and how it can help you, using my journey as an example.

The importance of a 10-minute typing test:

If you want to improve your typing skills, the 10-minute typing test is a great way to do that. This test is not only helpful because of the short time. It is helpful because it lets you know what areas you need to work on in real time. Whether you're a student, someone looking for work, or are already working, this test is helpful to all alike. I made a habit of taking this test regularly and it did wonders for me. It timely pointed out what areas I was lacking in, and I was able to work on them, enhancing my typing skills along the way.

The 10-minute test has these pros:

1. Instant Skill Evaluation:

The ability to instantly point out any areas of improvement is the best thing about the 10-minute test. Anyone can in an instant after taking the test, find out what their typing speed is (WPM). It can also tell how accurately a person is typing based on the percentage of mistakes said person makes. You can easily track your progress and improve day by day using this test.

2. Less Time Consumption:

We are all familiar with the phrase time is money. I used to disregard it and never think about it whenever I heard someone say, "Time is money." And I was stupid. You don't have to be like me. Don't waste time going to a typing coach when you already know the basics. Set aside 10 minutes each day and be consistent; you'll see the difference. This is why the 10-minute test is a great choice for students and workers who are busy. You just give ten minutes/day and polish a skill that'll make you money throughout your life.

3. Tracking Goals:

You can set your own goals based on the real-time feedback you get. Set small achievable goals, work hard to achieve them, and see the positivity it brings about in your life. As a typist, this approach helped me get to where I am today. I used to make goals like fewer mistakes next time. And when I achieved it, I had a strange positive energy. After a while, I noticed my WPM had started going up, and I was typing more accurately as well.

How the 10-minute typing test helped me:

I'm not the same typist as I was before adding the 10-minute test to my routine. Once my typing speed was not up to the mark. I was a beginner touch typist like you. I could hardly reach at the speed of 45-46 wpm. But My average typing speed was 35-40 Wpm. I was not the fastest or the most accurate typist, but I loved writing. I still do. That's why I was obsessed when I first started using this 10-minute test.

I was over the moon that no one would have to point me out to make me realize I had made a mistake. I was eager to find areas of improvement. And this test just helped me do that. I quickly figured out what I was doing wrong and started making amends in my typing style. The short length of the test made it easy for me to fit it into my daily routine, which helped me keep working on improving my typing skills. Through these steps, I could achieve the 99 WPM speed.

One big benefit was that it helped me develop my muscle memory. The 10-minute typing test made me comfortable typing without looking at the keyboard. Instead, I was able to see what I was doing wrong in real time. Making fewer mistakes each time. Thanks to this practice, I was noticeably able to improve my typing speed.

I was addicted to the sense of accomplishment I had each time I achieved a goal. No matter how close a deadline was or how tired I was, setting aside 10 minutes each day helped me be what I am today.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, the 10-minute typing test is a powerful tool. If used sensibly, it can 10X your skills in significantly less time. Even if you are a student, a worker, or someone looking for work, setting aside 10 minutes daily will go a long way for you. It'll help give you a sense of satisfaction each time you set and then achieve a goal. The only catch is to be consistent, and I promise you'll be a much better typist with helluva positivity oozing out from you.

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Photo of the author Azeem Sabir
Azeem Sabir

Meet Azeem Sabir, an expert in typing who provides practical tips and advice to improve your skills. With years of experience, Azeem is a trusted source of information, and his engaging writing style and attention to detail make his articles a joy to read. Trust him to guide you towards mastering the keyboard.

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