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Learn to Type With All Fingers: Quickest Way Explained

Gentleman typing on his keyboard using all his 10 fingers

Do you look at your keyboard while typing, and does it affect your speed and accuracy? Now, you are looking for ways to make yourself a proficient typist.

Typing with all your fingers is faster and more accurate than typing with two fingers. Using all ten fingers for typing is known as touch typing, the best technique to improve your speed and accuracy.

What is touch typing?

Touch typing is one of the best techniques for using all your fingers without looking at the keyboard. It is an advanced typing method in which you use your muscle memory to type the alphabet.

Regular practice and correct finger positioning help you type blindly on the keyboard. You can practice touch typing right now by clicking on the field at the top.

Learn to type with all fingers:

The basic concept of your typing depends on the placement of your hands. Correct typing techniques improve your speed and accuracy and prevent your finger from strain. Here are the best tips to improve your typing skills:
Get to know the keyboard layout:

The vital step is to familiarize yourself with the layout of the keyboard. Ensure you are familiar with the location of each key and the row to which it belongs.

The keyboard is divided into six rows, each with a specific key you need to learn

Home Row Position:

Home rows form the basis of touch typing. Your left-hand finger should be on the keys "A, S, D, and F," while the right-hand fingers should be on the keys "J, K, L, and semicolon(;)." The thumbs of both hands are on the space bar.

Finger Placement:

The placement of your fingers should be:

Left index finger: F

Left middle finger: D

Left ring finger: S

Left little finger: A

Right index finger: J

Right middle finger: K

Right ring finger: L

Right little finger: (;)

For the top row, left-hand fingers are on the 'Q, W, E, and R" while right-hand fingers are "U, I, O, and P." In the bottom row, left-hand fingers are Z, X, C, V, and B, and N, M, (,) and (.) are for right hands.

Wrist Position:

Most people feel comfortable keeping their wrists on the desk or keyboard, but it can lead to discomfort or strain. Keep your wrist low or neutral to prevent them from putting pressure on the wrist joints.

Take Break:

It is essential to take breaks to prevent yourself from fatigue and strain. It also decreases your speed and also affects your accuracy percentage.

Take quick breaks to stretch your fingers and let your hands rest.

Why is typing with all fingers better than typing with two fingers?

Typing with all fingers (touch typing) is considered more accurate than typing with two fingers (hunt and peck typing). There are several reasons why typing with all fingers is better than just one or two fingers:


You are unaware of your mistakes when looking at the keyboard while typing. When you look at the screen and see the errors, you have to go back to correct them, which takes time.

In touch typing, you use all your fingers to type each alphabet, and your focus is on the monitor. You are using your muscle memory to find out the keys. So, if there is any error in your text, you correct your mistakes immediately.


Using all fingers for typing significantly affects your speed. When you are using two fingers for typing, you have to move your finger repeatedly, decreasing your typing speed.

When you are using all ten fingers for typing, each finger is responsible for each key. So it enhances your typing speed.

According to research, using all your fingers for typing can prevent your hands from injuries and strain.


The two-finger typing method requires more movement and effort than touch typing. Using all fingers for typing reduces strain and fatigue by distributing the typing workload evenly among all fingers, making typing more comfortable and efficient.


In touch typing, your eyes are constantly on the screen, and you don't need to look on the keyboard. By focusing and concentrating as you type, you will be better able to absorb and process information.


Typing with all fingers is a better way to type with two fingers. It enhances your speed, accuracy, and efficiency and makes you a proficient typist. A good typing technique can increase productivity and reduce discomfort and strain associated with less efficient typing methods.

You can be proficient in touch typing with regular practice. Become a professional typist by taking the first step today!

Photo of the author Azeem Sabir
Azeem Sabir

Meet Azeem Sabir, an expert in typing who provides practical tips and advice to improve your skills. With years of experience, Azeem is a trusted source of information, and his engaging writing style and attention to detail make his articles a joy to read. Trust him to guide you towards mastering the keyboard.

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